A romance poetry lorem ipsum
O love thee from heaven which two heart sweet sea my eyes how could night beautiful under thou little dream lips rose must kiss never body part from death warm ever light thee gold over wind away thine snow her hands all flowers loved is ours feel bright by soul this his heart our sweet say only mine face sigh darling life cloud.
Beauty as who upon great time shall know each kiss faded other world bed him first fair day sky go lie doth beloved call dream so on thought sun call those free die before arms silence words within true round touch too should might leaves fire give falling dear blue art young wild voice carry whatever think strong silver seemed nothing lost late knows flower close after years thousand stay great sleep right poor oh love need lay hid gone forget together.
Far enough awake end dark passion among dark breath ye winds rising whom weep water ten summer stars sounds secret rose rain place old most kingdom shine grace told dreamer reason does sweetly desire cold always between youth winter ago wet until trees whole today thus wine song soft return once quiet sight red sing open none new shake morning mouth lose kind happy keep flowers waiting unto tongue tread stranger planet memory past knew melt kisses joy.
Hope grows golden find eye except darling loved hour else cool change. Breeze yours dim work wood, whisper breast air terribly spirit. Wave strength better wandering walls walking toward season woo times. Withered few standing wished themselves thee tender tears taste summer streamlet and rocks sudden peace strength robes. Own passion outside noon nights nay hast nail myself tune falls ring. Next, shoulder cup clasp busy chest burning breathe distant breathe angel yearns worth universe whether aware. Midnight lovers music morn windchime somewhere silent earth.
Moments longer listen lily lady kissed itself inside higher grief, hath help hadst grass garden woods freely forever woman yearn. Black flame hides fields fate loves embrace ease dusk wish deem darkness cry pray darlin complete spring. Triumphant touches tonight thyself teeth flows swift surely sweets tangle teeth terribly stronger streamlet sudden springs strands love stone spirit shining. Faint fades eve step road sad prove worth best wonder.
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